Since it most often falls into the “sweets and candy” food group, chocolate is usually considered something to avoid when it comes to choosing healthy snacks. Surprise! Among the three types of chocolate-milk, white, and dark, the dark chocolate choice has a slew of health benefits.
One of the most publicized is the fact that dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants. They help the body by eliminating free radicals, which can cause cell damage, in the form of aging and possibly cancer. Along with its anti-oxidant properties, dark chocolate has been proven to increase HDL levels, which are known as “good cholesterol”. It has also been shown to lower blood pressure, improve cognition, plus it’s high in Magnesium, Copper, Potassium, and Iron.
Recent information has revealed that dark chocolate can be good for your teeth and even prevent tooth decay! The key is in choosing chocolate that is truly dark, which will be those containing between 70 and 85% pure cocoa. The magic in the mix is due to the fact that cocoa beans contain tannins, polyphenols and flavonoids, each of which is a type of powerful antioxidant that benefits the mouth and teeth. Here’s how they help:
- Tannins prevent bacteria from adhering to the teeth, which helps nip cavities in the bud! Tannins are also what give dark chocolate its dark color and bitter taste.
- Polyphenols work to neutralize the microorganisms linked to bad breath, ward off gum infections and fight tooth decay.
- Flavonoids keep harmful dental plaque from gaining a stronghold on tooth enamel, thus, preventing cavities.
Those three heavy hitters mean that dark chocolate has about four times the amount of antioxidants contained in the much praised beverage-green tea. Hmmm-rich dark chocolate or a cup of pale green tea…which would you choose? Even better, the cocoa butter in dark chocolate coats the teeth and once again, fights plaque.
Before indulging, please keep in mind that enjoying dark chocolate should be done in moderation. Just one ounce a day is recommended, which is equal to 6 Hershey’s Dark Kisses. Be aware that the calories, fat, and sugar are still there, so use a little will power and just one ounce a day, please! Of course, brush and rinse thoroughly after all meals and snacks-even those that are good for you!
Time for a cleaning and oral health check-up? Simply call 919-782-0548 to schedule an appointment.